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French Higher Education System

Dernière mise à jour :

In Europe, higher education is structured according to the Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate (LMD) system, a standardized framework established by the Bologna Process. This system aligns degree programs across participating European countries, including France, to ensure comparable academic standards and qualifications.

The Master’s degree is a two-year program globally, typically aimed at deepening specialized knowledge and developing advanced skills following a Bachelor’s degree.

In France, the two-year Master’s program is split into two separate years:

  • Master’s 1 (M1), or Year 1, is the first year, which often covers foundational advanced courses and broadens knowledge in the field of study.
  • Master’s 2 (M2), or Year 2, is the second year, where students focus on more specialized or applied courses, often preparing for specific career paths or research.

This structure allows students in France to complete their Master’s studies progressively, with an option to exit after the first year (M1) or continue to complete the full Master’s degree (M2).


International Programs at IAE Bordeaux

Our international programs are RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles) certified.

  • Year 1 (M1-EBA) : At IAE Bordeaux, the first year of the Master’s degree is the M1 - European Business Administration. This foundational program equips students with essential skills for entry into our second-year Master’s programs or other Master 2 programs in management in France.
  • Year 2 (M2-MBA): The second year of the Master’s, focusing on Business Administration with an emphasis on Corporate Finance and International Accounting.
  • Year 2 (M2-IBM): The second year of the Master’s in International Business Management, specializing in geopolitics and cross-cultural management.

Academic Requirements

  • Academic Requirements for Year 1 Program at IAE Bordeaux:

    • A 3-year Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to 180 ECTS) or a 4-year Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to 240 ECTS)


  • Academic Requirements for Master’s 2 Programs at IAE Bordeaux:

    • A 4-year Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to 240 ECTS)

What is the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) ?

ECTS is a credit system designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries. Since they are based on a course's learning achievements and workload, students can transfer their ECTS credits from one university to another. ECTS helps to make learning more student-centered. It is a central tool, which aims to make national systems more compatible.

  • Why are ECTS credits needed ?

The differences between national systems can lead to problems recognizing educational qualifications from other countries and periods of study taken abroad. Greater transparency of learning achievements simplifies recognition of studies done in other countries. ECTS also makes it possible to merge different learning types, such as university and work-based learning, within the same program of study or in a lifelong learning perspective.

  • How do ECTS credits work ?

60 credits are the equivalent of a full year of study or work. In a standard academic year, 60 credits would usually be broken down into several smaller components. A typical "first cycle" or Bachelor's Degree would consist of 180 or 240 credits. In contrast, a typical "second cycle" or Master's Degree would consist of 90 or 120 credits, with at least 60 credits at the second-cycle level. The use of ECTS at the "third cycle" or Ph.D. level varies. The ECTS system has been adopted by most of the countries in the European Higher Education Area.